H.W. Wallace Cremation & Burial Centre

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Scott MacLeod

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Scott MacLeod

April 6, 1948 - November 15, 2021


The ‘I recognize that voice’ of Scott MacLeod has been silenced.  Following a diagnosis of glioblastoma in July 2020 he chose to live each day to the fullest, celebrating each new dawn as a gift.  Acutely aware of the prognosis, always ‘very well, thanx’ when asked how he was feeling, he chose, for reasons known only to him, to ignore his MAID options and humbled himself, instead, before the inexorable journey into a natural death, always responding,  ‘I’m good’, to anyone who had the temerity to ask how he was doing. All this was accomplished in the comfort and familiarity of his own home, in an aura of humanity:  the sounds and smells he knew,  the love and support of family, loyal friends, former colleagues and students, and of course, a host of medical professionals.


Not generally given to boasting, he was, nevertheless, immensely proud of his son, Walker, and completely consumed by his twin grandsons, Rhett and Wyatt.  His much admired daughter-in-law, Kristen,  was perhaps the one person who could arrest him in his tracks with an order to carry out some task….but only briefly….just long enough for him to come up with a plan to do it his own way.  In childhood,  Howie accepted his older brother’s  schemes for games and the sharing of responsibilities, and in adulthood continued to humour him on whatever views Scott held; but, poor Lib, his sister-in-law, never quite figured out when he was serious and when he was joking.  To Iris and Evie (deceased 2021) he was so long an ‘outlaw’ that they almost forgot what it was like for him NOT to be a part of the family.  David (deceased 2021) and Jerry (deceased 2021) accepted that even with a name like MacLeod, as the longest serving son in law, he garnered the ‘respect’ of his position.  Kyle and Angus, Ryan, Parker, and Oriana always dutifully laughed at Uncle Scott’s  ‘jokes’.  Cousins in Alberta, British Columbia, Colorado and New Zealand will have recollections of visiting the MacLeod family farm in Athabasca, Alberta where Scott could invariably be found wearing a jersey of his favourite sports team, and a transistor radio ‘glued’ to his ear, listening to whatever game might be on the airwaves.  Students from Alberta to British Columbia to his much beloved Thailand will likely remember a positive (if somewhat loud) teacher and administrator who taught and managed by the motto ‘failure is not an option’.    Friends and colleagues may perhaps best remember him organizing, delegating, directing (oKAY, oKAY, let’s GO!)….…a tournament, a social function, a golf game, a trip, a fund raising scheme.  For more than fifty years his wife, Adele, walked along side.  Theirs was a true partnership until the end…..even a day apart required a thorough 30-minute catch-up of the daily goings-on.


The journey towards end of life is seldom done alone, and so too this one was not.  The names of family, friends, hospice and medical professionals from Calgary to Victoria to Duncan and Chemainus, including nurses, doctors, technicians, and homecare, who have supported us are too many to mention for fear of omitting some, but we would be remiss in not acknowledging Doctors Wilhelm, Masuda, Elliot and Adzich for their kindness, their skills, and their direction during the final weeks.


At Scott’s request there will be no service.  Interment will be at St Peter Quamichan.  All arrangements are entrusted to HW Wallace in Duncan.  For those wishing to remember Scott, in lieu of flowers, consider instead:

  1. a donation to either Cowichan Hospice https://cowichanhospice.org  or:  BC Cancer Foundation https://donate.bccancerfoundation.com/site/Donation
  2. planting a tree
  3. saying thank you


The inimitable voice may have been silenced, but echoes of some of the more noteworthy ‘Scottisms’ will continue to ring for us a while longer:  ‘Puuurrr-fect’;  ‘Couldn’t be better, it’s impossible’, and of course, ‘Thank you for everything you do; it’s very much appreciated’.


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Pages: 12

From: Barb Lazaruk
Relation: Counsellor SD 79

My deepest condolences, Adele and Walker. Adele you the most amazing wife. You two were the most amazing couple and h was one of the most amazing individuals and the absolute best Principal I worked for. Stay close Scott and as I continue your legacy, and Scottisms. ” couldn’t be better if I tried.” When he took his basketball players to tournaments in suits, he said, look snappy and you will feel snappy.

From: Anna (Grimes) Deeley

What a beautifully written tribute. Sending my love to Adele, Walker and the rest of Scott’s family and friends.

From: Ron and Roxanne Nunweiler
Relation: Friend and colleague

So sorry to hear of Scott’s passing. He was definitely one of the “ good guys”. Fond memories of he and Adele walking past our house on a regular basis and Scott’s encouraging remarks while we were teetering on ladders while painting our house or toiling over the never ending yard and garden revamp. His positive and caring demeanor will be missed by many.

From: Dan Bertrand

Mr. MacLeod was my principal at Cow High in 2000-2001. He made a huge impact on my school life growing up. More so than any other teacher he actually gave me and every other student the time of day. The way he spoke with authourity but also with care and understanding is what really got through to me as a teenager.
I graduated in 2003 but even 10 or 15 years later I often ran into Mr. MacLeod and he always stopped to talk to me and shake my hand. He always remembered my name and even the experiences and encounters he had with me as a student in high school. I am sure he had the same memories with hundreds if not thousands of students.
The fact that he remembered after all this time just proves how much he really cared about his career and those he taught.
Mr. MacLeod is and was an amazing man and he set a standard that should be praised today because it is a standard that has mostly been lost in todays world.
Hes the kind of guy that taught a kid to fish (i hope u all know the reference).
I am sad to hear of such a great mans passing but I also feel proud to have had the chance to have been someone that he had a truly positive impact on. And I will never forget that.
I wish Mr. MacLeods family all the best in the world. You are lucky to have had such an amazing presence to follow.
Much love

From: Georg & Susann Mertens

Our deepest condolences to Adele and the whole MacLeod family. We will miss Scott and we will never forget our friendly and very personal home exchange encounters with Adele and Scott in Vancouver (2014), Rösrath in Germany (2016 + 2018) and Duncan (2017), the shared moments of our friendship are forever in our hearts. Rest in peace and much love to Adele

From: Lisa Mayea nee Pinder
Relation: He was my teacher.

My condolences to all friends and family of Scott. He was my teacher at CSSS years ago. He was always extremely supportive and one of my favorites. He left an impression on my life, for this I will always be grateful. 💗

From: Mary ann

I was saddened to hear of Mr. MacLeod’s passing. I was a student at CSSS back in the late 80’s and although I personally never had him as a teacher but his reputation as one of the best was well known. Passing him in the hallways he always had a great smile and hello. My deepest condolences to his family.

From: Pat & Don Unger
Relation: Neighbour and friend

We will miss Scott’s sunny outlook & great sense of humor. We will also cherish special memories of Scott’s kindness towards our grandson, Blake, who is on the autism spectrum. When Blake (who is passionate about all things automotive) expressed interest & curiosity about Scott’s little Citroën, he went out of his way to give Blake a tour, inside & out, and even took him for a spin ! Our boy absolutely beamed with joy !
We will also enjoy memories of meeting up with Adele &Scott in Bangkok during a visit to SE Asia a few years ago.. They gave us pointers on how to get around and took us out to experience some different “off the beaten path” ethnic restaurants and , of course, we went for walks & out for coffee – something A & S have been known to do from time to time ! 😊 Scott fought bravely to the end, always upbeat…..rest well, friend.

From: Shelley Mayo

Rest In Peace Mr Macleod you were a great teacher as well as a wonderful person you’ll be missed

From: Susan Quesnel
Relation: Student

My condolences to Mr. MacLeods family. He was such an inspirational person and teacher in my life back in the late 70s at Cow high. And very persuasive 🙂 I learned so much from him in his accounting classes which I then took into my career. But he also taught me how to step up and take on more than what I might ever have imagined. Under his guidance I took on roles within the students council as well as the booster club. It’s funny how it worked out because I couldn’t ever imagine doing that but he did seem to have all the confidence in the world that I could do whatever I put my mind to. I will forever be grateful for that. It’s sad to see he’s gone and I really do feel it’s a loss for all of us.

Pages: 12

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Private service arrangements have been made.

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Floral Tributes may be ordered at:

Blooms at 49th Parallel – 778-422-0262
Floral Bar at Party Mood – www.floralbar.ca  or 250-701-3151
Floral Department at Thrifty Foods –  http://floral.thriftyfoods.com/ or 250-715-2630

When ordering please have the name of the deceased, the date of the funeral service and the Funeral Home information.

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